jueves, agosto 15, 2024

Tango para un influencer

Figurones y publicistas, 

emperadores del mundo digital,

voceros entusiastas de un tiempo banal,

artífices de lo efímero y fugaz,

 su espléndida retórica artificial,

invade de malezas el espíritu humano.

En pocas palabras humillan

la belleza íntima, incuestionable,

de las palabras.


Tango for an Influencer

Figures and publicists,
emperors of the digital world,
enthusiastic spokespeople of a trivial time,
creators of the ephemeral and fleeting,
their splendid artificial rhetoric,
invades the human spirit with weeds.
In short, they humiliate
the intimate, undeniable beauty
of words.

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