lunes, agosto 12, 2024


El viejo Franz se miraba envejecer al espejo y veía como sus ojos le distanciaban cada día más del paisaje y de la realidad. Quizás no se daba cuenta como su mundo vacilante se desmoronaba al compás de sus movimientos distraídos. Cultivaba, al despertar, una sonrisa estudiada, inexpresiva, estática. Estaba secuestrado por su propio olvido, pero no dejaba de alentar su imagen para una campaña a la cual su instinto de supervivencia no obedecía a sus reiterados dislates en público. En los corrillos de amigos, presumía de sus preparativos para una Tercera Guerra Mundial en forma, como si ese acto fuera la cereza del pastel o la última cena de la humanidad. No habrá lugar ni para la estatua del soldado desconocido, dijo un Primer Ministro de un país pacifista, casi desconocido en el mapa, arrinconado como un témpano de hielo desprendido de un glacial. Era una surte de profecía al estilo griego, sin paracaídas, aunque la tierra vivía al borde del abismo. El viejo Franz, trajeado de azul para las ceremonias que él llamaba oficiales, aunque ya había perdido contacto con la realidad, daba pasos cortitos en círculo y repetía su saludo de manos al aire y como un ascensor que sube y baja sin pasajeros, su cuerpo parecía no aterrizar en ningún piso. El viejo Franz, ya habitaba en el limbo y nadie lo rescataría.
The Old Franz, Kidnapped by His Forgetfulness

The old Franz watched himself age in the mirror and saw how his eyes distanced him more and more each day from the landscape and reality. Perhaps he didn't realize how his wavering world crumbled in sync with his distracted movements. Upon waking, he would cultivate a studied, expressionless, static smile. He was kidnapped by his own forgetfulness, but he continued to encourage his image for a campaign to which his survival instinct did not adhere despite his repeated blunders in public. Among friends, he would boast of his preparations for a proper Third World War, as if that act were the cherry on top or humanity's last supper. There won't even be a place for the statue of the unknown soldier, said the Prime Minister of a pacifist country, almost unknown on the map, tucked away like an iceberg broken off from a glacier. It was a sort of Greek-style prophecy, without a parachute, though the world lived on the edge of the abyss.

The old Franz, dressed in blue for ceremonies he called official, though he had already lost touch with reality, took short steps in a circle and repeated his handshake to the air. Like an elevator going up and down without passengers, his body seemed to land on no floor. The old Franz already inhabited limbo, and no one would rescue him.

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