domingo, enero 26, 2025

Escribes y te sale rabia/You write, and out comes anger

Escribes y te sale rabia, poeta,

la espuma es para las olas del mar

cuando llegan a la orilla y vuelven,

Vallejo, a reescribir el viejo  poema

 en déjà vu, cosa vista, ya vivida.

Todo ha ocurrido y la historia

no se avergüenza de admitirlo,

porque la repite el hombre,

como si los testigos se hubieran esfumado

o convertido en convidados de piedra,

simples actores de provincia,

titiriteros de voces estridentes,

de vacuos sonidos.

Rolando Gabrielli2025

You write, and out comes anger, poet,

the foam belongs to the waves of the sea

when they reach the shore and return,

Vallejo, to rewrite the old poem

in déjà vu, something seen, already lived.

Everything has happened and history

is not ashamed to admit it,

because man repeats it,

as if the witnesses had vanished

or turned into stone guests,

simple provincial actors,

puppeteers of strident voices,

of empty sounds.

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